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Jenna Gardner

I have been teaching for over 20 years. I am certified in ESOL and Gifted education. I taught Advanced Placement English Literature for 12 years. Currently I am teaching AP Seminar, AP Research, and Gifted & Honors Sophomore Language Arts. I also teach AP Art History. In addition to Advanced Placement, I have taught many courses over the years--AP Art History, Advanced Placement European History, U.S. History, Senior Modern Literature, Senior British Literature, Junior American Literature, Sophomore World Literature, ELL Language Arts Level II, III & IV, Writing Workshop, and Journalism.

"Finding the Missing Link: Using Text Analysis to Develop Students' Writing Skill &
Picturebooks Aren't Just for Little Kids Anymore: Using Picturebooks in the Secondary Classroom
2011 Advanced Placement Annual Conference - San Francisco, California
Austen at Play: Exploring Austen Novels Through Game Theory and Social Networking to Foster Critical Thinking and Ethical Behavior
2011 Annual NCTE Conference
- Chicago, Illinois


Reviving Vocabulary: Using Vocabulary Instruction as a Tool for Critical Reading, Thinking, and Writing
2016 Annual NCTE Conference
- Atlanta, Georgia
2017 AP Annual Conference
- Washington, D.C.
Seeing is Believing: Visual Literacy Tools to Unleash Your Students' Creative Capacity 
(combined panel)
2017 Annual NCTE Conference
- St. Louis, Missouri


This is an activity I used with students at the beginning of Twelfth Night Act 2, scene 2 when Viola, disguised as Cesario, realizes that Olivia loves her because Olivia believes Viola to be “the man” she pretends to be.

The beauty of Shakespeare is in its performance, which allows students to hear and see his words and engage with all the possible meanings of a text. I wanted to help my students visualize Shakespeare’s language and to promote hypothesizing, discussion, debate, and critical reasoning regarding his implicit as well as explicit meanings in Twelfth Night. The online tool Voyant allows an entire text to be investigated by simply embedding a corpus copied and pasted from a website. Using Voyant and Folger Digital Texts, students can see the words of greatest frequency in a word cloud and perform keyword searches to see word frequency and area of occurrence in the text. Data in all the fields— word cloud, word trends, and keywords in context, etc.—can be exported and saved.

Using Video in a Flipped Classroom allows students to be active learners as they view. Questions are keyed by the instructor to focus the student at that portion of the the video. 

An example, looking at different productions of the same scene from Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet is provided. 

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